CRank: 5Score: 3400

Why is PSPGo even in the market?! It sold 0 and the succeeding week, it sold 20... 0 and 20! Why is Sony wasting money to produce PSPGo when they can divert the funds to Vita/PS3/acquiring kickass studios?

4673d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kratos.. oops.. kudos.. to Sony :P

4674d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lame.. I guess they weren't looking at the knee in the pic where he is on his knees. Which artist draws/sculpts a knee that has a defined hinge joint!

4694d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

TimTebo: Agreed

4724d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well I finished the game today and I totally liked it. Never got bored throughout the game. Lot of problems though, like for example, broken animations or animation from 2001-2003 period, poor collision detection, bland textures etc... but that did not stop me from enjoying the game! I can also say I had more fun playing this than BO. Seriously.

4733d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Day 1 purchase.. No I'm serious.. :P

4756d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Erm.. is nobody here interested in Beyond Good and Evil 2?!! I mean, I just saw that, and shat in my pants :P.

4765d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

So will that be making into the final product? I mean, it looks pretty kick ass and I'm kinda curious if it will run on our systems?

4926d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks for the link. But the image you posted earlier had an insane graphic fidelty!! I mean it beats the better looking games of this gen, but when I went over to the site it looked awesome but not as awesome as the pic you posted earlier ( ). Is that one of the levels in the game??

4927d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Plastica Man

Could you please tell me the source (no pun intended!) of the second image in the link that you posted above? That image made me go crazy, and I was beginning on learning Unreal kit. Guess I should have listened to my senior who said Hammersource is the way to go!!

4928d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

But what does it matter to ppl who play offline and dont go online? They will still be able to play the games, right? Sony should release firmware that would detect jailbreak and brick the respective consoles.. or something in those lines...

5020d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont give a damn! I am going to get 360 AND a PS3 in any case! Does this kind of exclusivity even matter?? I'll just compare which of the 2 platforms run the game better and buy it for that. Versus XIII is exclusive to PS3, so no "difficult" choice in that. Whats there to lose heart about losing a game to a platform!!??

5802d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They lost credibility since Uncharted. Need to say more!

5835d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

i am totally screwed! I dont have a Ps3( or a 360 for that matter). Damn ! Damn! Damn! Can anybody help this poor MGS fan(boy) to play the game of a lifetime!! Please, please.......

5856d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How are you guys so sure that Killzone 2 will DEFINITELY rock? I mean Graphics and sound aside, dont you people think story has to be refined in some manner? I have NOT played the first Killzone, so i dont have an idea on how the story progresses or how well GG has put up the story. But considering it didnt get that good reviews from majority of the review sites( i know they are all biased either to M$ or Sony, but that is another story altogether), how can we say this game is going to be gre...

5857d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The graphics are muchos excellenta!! And anyone saying, the physics of GT suck, i really dont know where u have banged ur head!! When i drove a car in the game, and when i drove it in real life( It was a Suzuki small car), the vehicle handling and behavior was EXACTLY the same......and i'm talking abt GT4.. not even GT5 P!!! Don't know what advances PD have made in this apart from graphics.......

6007d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony is the brand that was created through innovation in ways how Microsoft built theirs. Except Sony is in hardware and Ms in Software. The only way to survive in business is through innovation and that is nothing new. Look at Nintendo. Even though their strategy might be for short term, innovation worked wonders for them. Sony have it in the long run. MS is gearing for an intermediate success. So every company is good in their own right and terms of innovation! No anti Sony anti Microsoft a...

6019d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I agree with Mart. X360 has better textures than the PS3 one. In the 3rd photo, Ps3 ver is HORRIBLY pixelated. I think Ps3 has a heavy amount of aliasing. And in the last picture, the quality of texture the head rest in the 360 one is WAAAY Better. Dont have any next gen console( Guess i'll pick up the 360 after seeing this!)... plus its cheaper as well! I'll just go back to playin on my PC( Its armed with 8800 GTX ^_^)

6052d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ Zor, i was talking abt Lair. I don know how the game plays but majority of the review sites gave it a poor score. am giving a picture in general. Some ppl like it and some dont.

@ Idonttakesides

Naughty dog does have a good track record. But that does NOT automatically make this game to be good. As what i have said, we have to wait for the game to release, only then we can come to any conclusion.

@Power of Green

Rubbish art and Wea...

6058d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Graphics are Awesome! but u cant call a game good until it releases. Don know how the story will pan out. Remember what happened to Lair. Nobody played it and everybody speculated the game would rock based sorely on graphics. And look what happened when it was released! I have not played it personally( Don own any next gen console!!!!) but the overall review from all the boards were in the negative. So wait with a bated breath for the game to come out and see what feedback it will receive......

6058d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment